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2.04.078 - 2 Stud Offset Track
Track 2.04.078 is designed to change to offset between two parallel lines with 2 studs. It was created to enabled the integration of Bricklink's Studgate Station into a layout with standard LEGO® and/or 4DBrix™ switched or crossovers.
  • Width: 8 studs
  • Radius: 72.5 studs
  • Curve: 9.53°
  • Fully anti-studded
These curves are designed to shift the track 2 studs laterally over a distance of 24 studs (= one and a half standard LEGO® straight tracks).

You can control the direction of the shift with the orientation of the curves as shown with the layout below. This is, in fact, the layout you need to integrate Studgate Station into your layout. Both lines are shifted 2 stud inwards, which results in two parallel lines with a spacing of 4 studs in the middle section.

3D Models
Standard Model
Part: 2.04.078
Revision: v04
Release: 27-APR-23
File: 2-04-078-std_v04.stl (1,131.4KB)
Model History
  • v04: 27-APR-23 - Initial upload.
Surface Optimized Model
Part: 2.04.078
Revision: v04
Release: 27-APR-23
File: 2-04-078-sur_v04.stl (1,181.2KB)
Model History
  • v04: 27-APR-23 - Initial upload.