Monorail Cross Switch

Product Details
This cross switch gives you extra flexibility for your designs and allows you to build more interesting or compact layouts.
It was developed to be fully compatible with the Monorail system - it connects perfectly to existing tracks, stanchions and plates. The cross switch measures 24x24 base units. It has two studs on each end of each track to connect it to other monorail tracks. Each end also has a connector for a support stanchion.
The switch track consists of a base with an internal mechanism, a custom 3x3 tile, a custom 2x2 round brick and 2x2 round tile, a yellow double arrow sticker. We also include a LEGO® light bluish gray 3M cross axle (for manual operation), 2 black connector pegs with friction and 1 red 2M cross axle (for motorized operation with 4DBrix™ servo motors, or LEGO® PF motors).

Classic gray; our monorails are made in the same gray as the original monorail tracks.

3D printed ABS.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions concerning our monorail tracks.


The monorail cross switch track is available as 4DBrix™ part 3.01.011.

Set image

Price Table
US flag$26.95webshop4DBrix Store 4DBrix Store
US flag€29.65webshopwebshop on bricklink
World flag$26.95webshop4DBrix Store 4DBrix Store
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Price Table
US flag$26.95webshop4DBrix Store 4DBrix Store
US flag€29.65webshopwebshop on bricklink
World flag$26.95webshop4DBrix Store 4DBrix Store
Set image
Price Table
US flag$26.95webshop4DBrix Store 4DBrix Store
US flag€29.65webshopwebshop Bricklink Store
World flag$26.95webshop4DBrix Store 4DBrix Store

Other Monorail Tracks

Full Straight Track

Half Straight Track

Quarter Straight Track

4 Stud Long Straight

Short Curved Track - Left

Short Curved Track - Right

Monorail Tile

Monorail Tile Ramp

Ramp Extension - Long

Ramp Extension - Short

Diagonal Track

Other Monorail Tracks

Full Straight Track

Half Straight Track

Quarter Straight Track

4 Stud Long Straight

Short Curved Track - Left

Short Curved Track - Right

Monorail Tile

Monorail Tile Ramp

Ramp Extension - Long

Ramp Extension - Short

Diagonal Track

Other Monorail Tracks

Full Straight Track

Half Straight Track

Quarter Straight Track

4 Stud Long Straight

Short Curved Track - Left

Short Curved Track - Right

Monorail Tile

Monorail Tile Ramp

Ramp Extension - Long

Ramp Extension - Short

Diagonal Track